Azure DevOps On-Premise Integration for Freshservice
Learn how to integrate your Freshservice with the Azure DevOps on-premise application
Who can use this feature?
All Users and Admins (Admins also have permissions to manage the integration from the admin dashboard)
About the Azure DevOps Integration On-Premise Integration
Integrating Freshservice with Azure DevOps (On-Premise) or (Cloud) both enables you to link Azure DevOps work items Bug, Epic, Issue, Feature, Task, Product Backlog Work Item and custom work item types with Freshservice. Any updates on the linked Azure DevOps work items Bug, Epic, Issue, Feature, Task, Product Backlog Work Item and custom work item types will automatically update the progress of linked Freshservice tickets. This makes for a powerful setup because it ensures your Freshservice ticket process is not waiting on manual check-ins and any progress is updated real-time on Freshservice tickets.
In this article:
- Connect Azure DevOps On-Premise to your Freshservice account
- How to install and setup the Azure DevOps Integration for Freshservice app
- Using the Azure DevOps integration in Freshservice
- Syncing data from Azure DevOps to Freshservice
Connect the Azure DevOps On-Premise App to your Freshservice account
1. Generate the Freshservice token by referring to the following link.
2. Generate the Azure DevOps token by referring to the following link
3. Click on the install button in the Freshservice apps. 3. Enter the Freshservice URL e.g. if your Freshservice URL is
4. Enter the Freshservice API key as generate in the first step.
5. Enter your Azure DevOps account URL and the token as generated in the second step.
6. Click on validate to validate the app.
7. After the app validated successfully click on the Install button to install the app. 8. Go to any of your Freshservice tickets to use the app.
How to install and setup the Azure DevOps Integration for Freshservice app
Click to Install Freshservice Azure DevOps Integration App
Freshservice — Azure DevOps Integration app Installation guide
In order to use the DevOps integration app Freshservice- Azure DevOps app on Freshservice respectively user need to create the Azure DevOps personal access token and Freshservice API access token in order to use the integration app.
Freshservice Azure DevOps Integration App
Follow below article steps to create the new Azure DevOps personal access token
How to create Azure DevOps authentication token
Follow below article steps to get the Freshservice API access token
How to generate Freshservice API token key
Follow below steps on how to install the Freshservice — Azure DevOps integration app
1.Login to your Freshservice account with admin credentials
2. Click settings (admin) icon on the left navigation bar
3. Search for the Apps in the search field
4. Click on Get More Apps button.
5. Search for “Freshservice — Azure DevOps Integration” app
6. Click on “Install” button to install the app.
7. Enter the Freshservice URL, Freshservice API token, Azure DevOps Url, Azure DevOps personal access token as shown in screenshot.
8. Click on Validate button to validate the app.
9. Once the app is validate successfully click on Install button to install the app.
10. You can now go to any of your Freshservice ticket to start using the app.
Using the Azure DevOps integration in Freshservice
Freshservice — Azure DevOps Integration app usage guide
In order to use the DevOps integration app Freshservice — Azure DevOps app on Freshservice respectively user need to create the Azure DevOps personal access token and Freshservice API access token in order to use the integration app.
Follow below article steps to create the new Azure DevOps personal access token
How to create Azure DevOps authentication token
Follow below article steps to get the Freshservice API access token
How to generate Freshservice API token key
Follow below article steps to install the Freshservice Azure DevOps app
Freshservice- Azure DevOps Integration app Installation guide
Follow below steps on how to use the Freshservice — Azure DevOps integration app
1. Login to your Freshservice account with your login credentials
2 Create a new ticket in Freshservice or go to any existing ticket.
3. You will see the Freshservice — Azure DevOps Integration app on the right side of your ticket.
4. In the Freshservice — Azure DevOps integration app there are certain options we are providing.
a. Create New Work Item
b. Link Work Item.
c. Notify Linked Work Items.
d. Work Item Log
e. Configure App
f. Unlink Work Item.
About Freshservice — Azure DevOps Integration App:
Freshservice — Azure DevOps Integration App simple integration between Freshservice and Azure DevOps. Suppor agents using this app can Create, link, notify Azure DevOps work items. You can Collaborate your support team and developers at one place.
Freshservice-Azure DevOps app allows the support agents to create Azure DevOps work items from Freshservice apps form. Freshservice-Azure DevOps app also allows support agents to link existing Freshservice tickets to an existing Azure DevOps work items. In addition, Freshservice-Azure DevOps app allows support agents to help notify the Azure DevOps team, by sending comments from Freshservice support.
We also support customization based on customer request and tailored to your needs! We bring Azure DevOps closer to your business requirements!
The Freshservice-Azure DevOps app provides couple of options like Create Work Item, Link Work Item, Notify , Work Item Log & Configure App.
Create Work Item:
The Create Work Item lets the user to create new work item # in Azure DevOps from Freshservice, support agent can select type of work item he/she want to create like Bug, Epic, Feature, Task, User Story etc. Based on the work item type selection he will see all the Azure DevOps fields. The User can make the selection and click on Create button which would create work item in Azure DevOps and then display the corresponding Azure DevOps work item Id in the App.
Link Work Item:
Using this button in Freshservice-DevOps app support agent can link an existing Azure DevOps Workitem # to current Freshservice ticket. Freshservice-Azure DevOps app allows the user to create or link multiple work items to one Freshservice ticket.
Notify button in Freshservice-Azure DevOps app allows the support agent to notify all the linked Azure DevOps work items to current Freshservice ticket these will show up as comments in Azure DevOps.
Work Item Log:
In the Freshservice-Azure DevOps app Work Item log modal shows you couple of details of work item history including the comments history to current Freshservice ticket.
Configure App:”
This will help to map certain fields between Freshservice and Azure DevOps.
Syncing data from Azure DevOps to Freshservice
Syncing of Comments, Status and Attachments from Azure DevOps to Freshservice
In order to use the Azure DevOps Syncing of Comments, Status and Attachments to Freshservice please contact They will walk you through the Syncing setup guide.
We are providing the few types of syncing of comments from Azure DevOps:-
1. Syncing of all comments from Azure DevOps to (Freshservice).
2. Syncing of tag based comments from Azure DevOps to (Freshservice).
3. Posting comment to Freshservice as Public or Private tag based.
1. Syncing of all comments from Azure DevOps
This will let sync all the comments from Azure DevOps to Freshservice. It will sync every comment you posted in Azure DevOps to linked tickets in Freshservice.
Comment syncing with inline images
Syncing Attachments from Azure DevOps to Freshservice
Syncing of Status from Azure DevOps to Freshservice.
2. Syncing of tag based comments from Azure DevOps
This will let sync only comments based on condition that you specified in the hook from Azure DevOps to Freshservice. It will not sync every comment you posted in Azure DevOps to linked tickets in Freshservice. The condition will be something like @zd or @sync for Freshservice respectively.
3. Posting comment to Freshservice as Public or Private tag based.
If you use tag @customernote in the comments in the Azure DevOps then it will be added to Freshservice as Public comment. If there is no tag @customernote in the ADO comments then this will be posted as Private Comment in the Freshservice.
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